Do adults need Fluoride?

What is Fluoride and Fluoridation? Fluoride is a substance that protects the teeth and helps prevent tooth decay. Fluoride can be found in toothpaste and even tap water.
Fluoridation plays a protective role against dental decay throughout life, benefiting not only children but also adults. Because older adults experience more problems with gum recession, the risk of root decay increases with age.
• Studies demonstrate that the topical effect of fluoride in an adult’s mouth during the early stages of decay can not only stop the decay process but also make the teeth more resistant to future decay and cavities.
• Dental decay is reduced by 27% in adults who use toothpaste with fluoride and drink fluoridated water.
• Fluoridation conserves natural tooth structure by preventing the need for initial fillings and subsequent replacement of fillings.
In 2015, the Department of Health and Human Services recommended a then-newly calibrated ratio of fluoride to water at .7 mg/L, or parts per million. The American Dental Association DA supported this recommendation. According to the Weymouth Department of Public Work water quality summary report states that Fluoride level is 0.45 - 0.73 ppm.
In summary, Fluoridation plays a protective role against dental decay throughout life, benefiting not only children but also adults.